Sabtu, 21 Februari 2015

FANFICTION: Psychopath In Love

Genre: don't ask. Read instead. And you'll know the genre. /whacked/
Rating: pg-15
Pairing: yutoyama. Hint!nakachii
Author: Me, of course.
Sumary: a psychopath madly in love with another psychopath.
A/N: I posted this in my facebook acc too~

Yuto had just opened his eyes from his deep sleep when he realized that he wasn't in his own room. The room was dark, actually. There was none light but he seemed calm with that kind of situation. Well, dark was his friend after all.

He wasn't that stupid to not knowing that he was being kidnapped by someone. But again, he didn't scared at all. Because he knew he would be fine.

Or so he thought...

He sat on the couch which had been used for him to take a rest for who-knows-how-long. He took a deep breath before released it then he tried to stand up and turned on the lamp. He often kidnapped people but he didn't even thinking that he would had experience being kidnapped like this. It would be a very unforgettable experience ever, he smirked.

Since the lamp already turn on, he finally knew that he was in the small room with a so really neat single bed in it. There was nothing window, though. There was only one door which he totally knew it's locked even he didn't try to open it. He was being kidnapped, remember? so there was no hope that the door wasn't locked. He wonder that he could die if he stay at this room too long because of the minim oxigen he had.
"I hope whoever  who kidnapped me would come soon..." he sighed.

And his wish became true in... five seconds.

He heard the voice of door was being unlocked. Then the door finally be opened. Showing the kidnapper who he didn't even expected before.

The guy with his chubby cheek and... little bit short but pretty enough for a boy. He sighed in relief because the one who kidnapped him wasn't a stranger or he would be too confused to make a deal with him later. Yeah, he didn't want to be killed by someone since it would make his pride down. He was the one who should kill people, not the opposite!

"So, it's you, Yamada-kun..." he smiled and got a question look from the latter.

"What's with that reaction?" the called Yamada was furrowing his eyebrow. Yuto totally knew, that kind of reaction wasn't make every kidnappers satisfied with their work. He was the part of them, though. No doubt, he knows exactly what do the thing that could make they happy or make they angry from their prey.

His smile even wider as Yamada frowning while closed and locked the door. With a calm gesture, he walked to the shorter and gave an I-know-I'm-cool look at him.

"What do you want?" Yuto started the conversation. He already missed his own bed, fyi.

Silent. The chubby cheek seemed like thinking. Heck! You should know what do you want from your prey, Yuto screamed on his mind while rolled his eyes in boring.

"I want... you." his voice almost couldn't be heard. Fortunately, Yuto could hear it. That confession made Yuto a little bit shock. But quickly he covered his shockness with another smile. He knew what kind of this conversation would going...

That chibi was admiring his handsomeness.

"Why do you want me? Did I ever do something wrong to you?" He asked with his worry-face which actually an acting. He knew the answer already, btw. Of course the answer was...

"No" gotcha. Yuto never made a mistake. He believe that he was a perfect guy in this freaking world.

"So, why?" he still played dumb. Somehow, making fun with this freak could make his mood up.

"Because I want you to be mine. Only mine." That's not what I want to hear, stupid! I want you to say something more interesting. Yuto gazed him deeply. He wanted to force Ryosuke to say more, like... he love him, maybe? If he say those word, he could dominating this conversation.

Even he felt that he was the one who dominating this conversation since the start...

Yamada gulped his saliva. He was the one who kidnapping him yet he was the one who being the one he interrogated now.

"I hate the fact that you're getting close with that squirrel or the rumor that you and that bitch are together." He added more reason why he kidnapped Yuto eventhough he knew that it wasn't needed. He glanced at the taller with so-what-do-you-want-to-do-now-after-I-told-you-everything look.

"Do you have something feeling toward me?" Yuto asked innocently. He seemed didn't satisfied with his kidnapper's answer.

"After everything I did for make you to be mine, what do you think, huh?" He pouted. What a cute boy~

"Can I go home?" Yuto asked after a few seconds silent.

"If you promise me that you don't mind to be only mine and avoid that squirrel, yes." Yuto clicked his tongue while eyeing the pretty boy in front of him. Sometimes, the full of obsession and jealousy person could be this annoying. He made a mental note to not being too obsessed to someone and never get jealous for his own's sake!

By the way, where did this chibi know that he was close with Chinen Yuri? Okay, he's his admire after all. Ohh, bad! Did he know that he want to get close with Yuri because he has secret plan?! Lord, don't you dare to let this little devil know what I want to do with Yuri in my future or he will ruin everything!

He sighed to shoo away his negaive thinking before start to argue Yamada who still waited for his answer.

"First. I won't promise you that I will avoid my precious Yuri. He's my (very) bright future. My immportant one. I won't be that easily to let him go from me after everything I did to get closer with him. That was so hard, you know! Second, don't asked me why do I want him to be my future. Third, you can have me in one condition: be my affair. Take it or leave it?" He furrowed his eyebrow. Giving that Yamada Ryosuke choice.

Talking about how hard he got close to Yuri, he couldn't help but feeling annoyed. If it's just not because he is the child of police president, he would never want to do that.

He waited about five minutes already. But Yamada didn't gave him his answer yet. What the fuck are you thinking now, bastard?! Just choose, why so hard for you!

Yuto didn;t realize it that Yamada's eyes actually reflected hatred after he heard his explanation early. As the one who loves him so much, he hated it, of course. He hated the way Yuto called Yuri as his precious, his bright future and his immportant one. And now, Yuto gave him choice which didn't have an advantage for him at all.

"No. I want you only to be mine and I don't want to be just an affair. I want to hang out with you, talk with you, kiss you, to do everything with you in front of people. I don't want to do it secretly. More, you could do it with that devil wherever you want. If I agree, it will hurt me."

Another sighed from Yuto as an answer.

"What do he has which I don't have? I think I'm so far better than him!" What a self-centered guy. And selfish. Yuto really couldn't take all of this stupid conversation anymore. He was so tired.

But, he understood one thing. Yamada didn't know his plan. It's good, right? Or not?

"Yamada-kun. I can't answer your question... But as I said before, you can have me if you agree to be my affair. I think, it's better than couldn't have me at all. I give you a chance, you know! You can kill me if you want. But I won't change my decision." Yuto wasn't the type who would give a second chance like this. Usually, he already cut the conversation with anything way. He, himself,  didn't even know why did this time he became softier. Maybe because he was the one who being kidnapped here. He swear that he would make a revenge though.

"Fine. I have no choice here..." Lord, finally! "But I don't want you to make a lovey-dovey scene with him in front of me."

"Deal--for the first rules. So, can I go home now?" He asked that question again. Really. He was so damn tired now.

"Then have a call with him, and make a date to hang out with him? No! You live in my apartement with me until you break up with him and can love me back with all of your might." He said forcefully.

"What the- Yamada-kun...


"Okay. Ryosuke, you can't do that. I have my own life. You can't tied me." Well, that words wasn't strange enough for him. He always heard that line from his prey and now, he felt dumb to use that words to get his free-life from his crazy admire.

No respon. Yamada seemed didn't care with what he just said. He turned around from him and unlocking the door. Maybe, he was planning to leave the room, and when he just want to close the door, Yuto called him.

"I don't want to hear any protest from you anymore. So please shut up." His voice totally flat. And Yuto felt something bad about it. Did Yamada mad at him? It wasn't a good thing, if the answer was yes. That little devil would kill him! No, he can't kill me!

Yamada continued to close the door yet Yuto opened the door, grabbed his arm and pulled him to his embrace. Whatever he did right now, it was because he didn't want to be killed or to be prisoner in this no-window room.

"Yuto, what do you think you are doing?!" scold Yamada, but he didn't really mad with the taller's act though. It was his first time to be hugged by his love.

Think something, Yuto! You did something this far, think something!

Fortunately, his brain didn't sleep and he smiled as he has reason why he prevent Yamada to left in the first place.

"I don't have a plan to make a protest, though. I just want my goodnight kiss. And you... beside me... all night long." He whispered.

Nothing answer or respon in ten seconds.

"Let's go to my room..." Yamada smiled. He won. He knew that he won this game. Soon, slowly, he would has his free life again.

And he was sure, when that time is came, he would make this shortie dissapear from his life forever.


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